How to Apply for OSAP 101

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When to Apply for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program)

You will need to wait until mid-May to apply for OSAP for the following fall term (September)

Before you apply, you MUST have the following information handy

  • OCAS account number (if you have applied to college)
  • OUAC account number (if you have applied to university)
  • SIN number
  • OEN student number (student ID number assigned by the Ministry of Education to Ontario elementary/secondary students). This can be found on your report card.

Go to: and click on become a new applicant

Once you provide the above information, you will receive your OSAP Access Number (OAN) – IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP THIS NUMBER IN A SAFE PLACE

** IMPORTANT NOTE** When filling out your OSAP application, it is important that you DO NOT claim any income that you receive from the Society’s Bursary Program or CCSY funding.